Benjamin Balderson Tue, Jan 11, 2022, 6:11 AM
To Tracy Twyman's Estate [personal email address]

[Dear His Highness The Mystagogue,]

     You will immediately cease and desist making threats to myself and my guests. You have already tried harassing my Guest and lost as his channel is back up and running fine. Do not threaten myself nor anything to do with my channel again. This shall serve as a pew suit letter to the insane harassment you believe you can subject people to in the legal system.I did not say so on air but on a personal note you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy’s memory. You have 14 days to respond with assurance that you will never again after that bother myself or my channel. Feel free to go fornicate [that is,"to fuck" in a 'Godly' way of expressing such: This is how 'God' would say it in the English tongue] yourself

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[..with Heavenly Love; for God is Love! (as demonstrated)]